3" x 5" FIRST EDITION 2004-2018   (SOLD OUT)

O.G. First Edition Collectors ONLY SOLD OUT

To receive the latest First Edition Tarot card
for your deck
send your current mailing address to:

An-Magrith 2007, cover of Tarotisten Magazine

  VENMO @ An-Magrith-Erlandsen


Thank you kindly for your artistic support!

Some ToP history


Graduation from The Art Institute of Seattle June 1993.

Graduation from Cornish College of the Arts. May 1998.

Began the journals and sketches of my Tarot deck ideas, June 1998.

First prints available to purchase at Gargoyles Statuary in Seattle, 2001.

First Art Show group show at Mr. Spots with opening ritual by Visionary Dancers in Ballard, WA 2002.

Second Art show solo at Mr. Spots with Tarot Reading 2003.

Third Art show solo at Mr. Spots with Hands of Kali performances, 2005.

Hands of Kali Tarot Performances with large Tarot of the Pomegranate deck 2005-2008.

Featured in and cover of international Tarotisten magazine, August 2007.

Numerous shows throughout Seattle, Pioneer Square, Port Townsend, Seattle Artwalk 2004-2008.

First edition Tarot Deck 2004 - 2018. SOLD OUT.

Second Edition Tarot Deck & Book working with designer Lena Kartzov 2019 -2021 - SOLD OUT.

First Edition Major Arcana book 2013 - 2016 - SOLD OUT.

Second Edition Major Arcana Book 2016 - 2023 - Available for Limited Time on Amazon.

Third Limited Edition signed/numbered first full deck of Tarot of the Pomegranate February 2023.




An-Magrith, 2013, Tarot shoot California

An-Magrith, 2019, Seattle Art Museum
Artemisia Gentileschi
"Judith Slaying Holofernus"

Limited Edition signed/numbered

first full deck




Tarot of the Pomegranate


Each Deck is Signed & Numbered by the Artist










OVER TWO DECADES in the making..

The Original images of Tarot of the Pomegranate

are oil paintings up to 5 + ft tall

imagined and created exclusively

by An-Magrith Erlandsen

Tarot of the Pomegranate

Limited Edition Signed/Numbered Deck is
Sold on this page and The

Pomegranate Batik.com Shopify page.

and (as supplies last) at the following

Independent Shops in the SEATTLE area:








COLLECT the First full 78 card deck of

Tarot of the Pomegranate

22 major arcana, 16 Royal Arcana

A full 56 Minor "pip" cards and extra

Seven illustrated Minor Cards.

CARD SIZE 3.25 x 5.50

Each deck's booklet is signed/numbered.


We are Almost Sold Out!



VENMO @An-Magrith-Erlandsen SHOPIFY

Click on shopping bag
above to go to my Shopify
where all payments are
Thank you
 for joining the journey!

Tarot of the Pomegranate

Gargoyles Statuary
Edge of the Circle Books
Edge of the Circle fb EVENTS page
Tenzing Momo


An-Magrith, 1991 Art Student, Seattle.

An-Magrith in Art Class with Teacher William Cummings, 1992.

An-Magrith at Cornish 5th Year Studio's, 1998.
PPainitng Realm of the Soul trip-tych

The Major Arcana on Display in Seattle, 2006.

3.25" x 5.50" 2019 - 2021 SECOND EDITION   (SOLD OUT)

Second Edition SOLD OUT 2019-2021

An-Magrith, 2007, Art Show, Port Townsend

Jewelbox Theater, Seattle, 2018

Photoshoot during Tribal Fest 2013 in Sebastopol, CA.

The Jewelbox Theater, Seattle 2017.


First edition "Major Arcana" book, 2013. br>

An-Magrith Erlandsen & The High Priestess 1999

Poloroid picture of the first paintings of Tarot of the Pomegranate, 1998.

Art Show Seattle 2012

Solo Art Show Mr. Spots, Ballard, 2005












by An-Magrith Erlandsen, 2021.
oil on linen, 11 x 17 in.

by An-Magrith Erlandsen


Artvocacy Art Show KEXP Gallery, Seattle, 2017.

















King of Disks 2019
oil on canvas
An-Magrith Erlandsen ©
Tarot of the Pomegranate ®

An-Magrith Erlandsen & "The Empress" 1998

First tarot booklet accompanying tarot deck, second edition, 2019.

Art Show 2010 , Georgetown, Seattle

Art Show Fred's Wildlife Refuge, 2017

Art Show, Seattle, Pancakes & Beer show, 2011


Reviews on Amazon:

The artwork is fantastic and rich
with her many years of study of the Tarot. A great read for a different perspective on the meanings of the Major Arcana.

* * *

This beautifully illustrated tarot book is informative and interesting. Although it is a companion guide to An-Magrith Erlandsen's epic Tarot of the Pomegranate painting series, the book stands up well on its own. As a professional tarot reader, I appreciate the depth of An-Magi's knowledge and the way she synthesizes the multi-faceted meanings of each card. The fact that the imagery she uses is from her own beautful paintings adds to the layers of meaning. Her interpretations are simultaneously practical and cosmic; a truly usuable and yet magical book of divination. Her writing style is as creative as her paintings. In the chapter on "The World" An-Magrith writes, "Beyond our physical makeup we are entities of the Source, each one of us a light in a large and intricate pattern. Imagine if one light were out, the whole pattern would be broken, and in that a reflection of the great worthiness of your soul. Our ascension process propels us to come into harmony with these great truths."
I love this book!

* * *

I am not a professional art critic, just someone who knows what they like when they see it, and I feel pulled in by An-Magrith's paintings. They are richly layered and complex, the story of each expressed on canvas goes right into the mind.

For the first time the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot are realistically painted in oil on over five foot tall canvases using the Tarot of Marseilles as the foundation. A fifteen year project you will find Tarot of the Pomegranate astonishing in all its fine and mysterious detail along with the informative interpretations written by the artist. Journey into an illuminative land which will progressively reveal its secrets as you, the seeker, open the inner eye and find the golden path in recognition of your own great inheritance..

Presenting The Chariot at Eklecticon 2011, Seattle.

Tarot Theater at The Jewelbox in Seattle, 2005 & Tarot Performance at the Fenix Underground.

An-Magrith Erlandsen creator of Tarot of the Pomegranate
cover of Tarotisten magazine 2007, Norway.

Photo by Kevin Hundsnurscher 2007.

Poul & An-Magrith Studio Pioneer Square.      Magi Tarot Sword Performance Jewelbox Theater.

Photoshoot in California, Tribal Fest 2013.

Tarot Reading Palace Theater & Art Bar, Georgetown 2019.

Hands of Kali with Tarot performance sized card and original painting, 2005. Seattle.
Photo by Poul Costinsky

First Edition and Second Edition Tarot of the Pomegranate decks, Ghost Gallery Seattle.

Performing at Jewelbox Theater in Seattle with The Sun painting on stage.


22 Major Arcana

 16 Royal Arcana

7 Minor Arcana
56 Pip Cards

(Third Edition deck only)
February 2024




About the Artist

An-Magrith Erlandsen, a Norwegian Seattle native, graduated with a BFA from Cornish College of the Arts in 1998
 whereupon she began the journey of Tarot of the Pomegranate. She began to paint the Major Arcana in oil on five foot tall
gallery=sized canvases for art shows.  However, the project evolved into a mystical journey  ascending into the realm of the soul
and the spirit and reality of this realm, and the human condition. By this awakening through painting she touched upon
 the essence of what is referred to as "Tarot" bringing the light found in the darkness beyond.
Join the journey of what is now known as "Tarot of the Pomegranate".

Performing "Death" at the Jewelbox Theater, Seattle 2017.

Art Show at Renaissance Hotel, Seattle, 2011.

Solo show at Fenix Underground in Seattle, 2006.

Photo by Kevin Hundsnurscher 2006



“The dying sun will glow on you without burning,
as it has done today.
The wind will be soft and mellow and your hilltop will tremble.
As you reach the end of your 
dance you will look at the sun,
for you will never see it again in waking or in dreaming,
and then your 
 will point to the south.
To the vastness.”

- Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda
Journey to Ixtlan



Boombie in front of "Two of Swords" 2017.

An-Magrith Erlandsen & her painting of The Devil, 2001.

The artist's daughter Anastassia the model for the Page of Cups, Page of Swords and soon to be
completed Page of Disks!

An-Magrith & Anastassia, 2014.

An-Magrith painting on Tarot of the Pomegranate through the years 1998-2012

Major Arcana Art Show Beacon Hill, Seattl
e, WA 2012.

Tarot Reading at Columbia City Theater

Maureen & Magi of Hands of Kali performing arts troupe.
Large Tarot of the Pomegranate tarot cards used for Tarot performances.
The Fenix Underground 2005, Seattle, WA.

Live Tarot Theater
Tarot of the Pomegranate
photos by Poul Costinsky, 2005.

My first tarot reading by Pappa1986

with the Famous Tarot of Marseilles Deck.


Anastassia & An-Magrith in front of

The Great Inheritance, 1998.




King of Wands







Tarot Reading for "Sister Midnight" Podcast by Faye the Tattooed Psychic, 2019.


Magi performs Tarot Theater with original Paintings of Sun & Moon.

Wickerman Theater show at The Jewelbox Theater, Seattle, 2018.


The beginning of An-Magrith Erlandsen Painting the Tarot in 1998

Began with The Empress, a 6 ft. x 4 ft. canvas.












  Reviews by
Tarot of the Pomegranate


I bought this beautiful work from Seattle Artist An-Magrith Erlandsen at Edge of the Circle Books. The art pulled me in. It is so delicious and fierce. Gentle and deep, chaotic and challenging. I am completely smitten with this incredible art.
I used to discuss tarot art with
Pascale Plänk Steig, and now she is not here. Tonight when going through this incredible deck I found myself having an imaginary conversation with her about some of the art, an internal dialogue reminiscent of so many beautiful conversations.
She would have loved this work…. So much. It is deep, and thought provoking. The artist has created a 78 card deck with pip cards. She is in the process of creating pictorial minors or lesser Arcana. She has 7 complete, and included these in the pack.
I love the deep imagery and the feeling I get from these “stories.” Such a beautiful pack of cards!

- Willow Moon, March 14th 2024




Creating a tarot deck is quite a task. It is difficult enough to find the time to create the 22 majors but a full 78 card deck can be an enormous investment of ones life energies. Add to that the intention to create this as a series of oil paintings and we are talking years of concerted work. An-Magrith Erlandsen has found a new solution to this problem. She is selling her Tarot of the Pomegranates as an incomplete deck and will send on the remaining cards in batches as she finds the time and inspiration to complete the paintings. Her paintings are wonderfully detailed in saturated colours. She is very creative and comes up with some new ideas for the tarot images. Her Queen of Cups is a powerful engaging image with the head emerging from the waters of a still lake. The Moon card has a astounding picture of a female figure emerging from the dark pool and protecting another figure. The Magician is another amazing image beautifully painted, while her Death card depicts a skeleton form, standing between two shrouded human figures, its bones forming a celtic knotwork, a truly original conception. An-Magrith's paintings are very beautiful. I only wish I could afford to buy one. However, I do have the next best thing - a set of her tarot cards. I have put up her website on my list of other tarot publishers in case you might like to buy a copy from her. It is a signed edition of only 200 and I have number

Adam McLean,

Independent Tarot publisher

Glasgow, Scotland


5th June 2007.


Dear An-Magrith,

I happened upon your site this afternoon, and I am so amazed my reactions to your art.   They have a living, breathing quality about them. I have been collecting Tarot decks for a few years now, and find in addition to the spiritual journey I get to go on, I've become "hooked" on the artistic value some decks exhibit more than others.  Yours is one of them. Where everything is so instantaneous these days, I look forward to "waiting" for your cards coming in your creative time.   This is a great idea, and I would like to support you in that.

I've joined you on your journey.   I can't wait to show them to my tarot group!  

Suzanne Petito

Poughkeepsie, NY

* * *

Your tarot has a great profundity and an abiding passion to it - obviously the result of the unhurried nature of its creation, and the artistic talents of its creator. I am delighted to be one of the few who have decided to participate in this journey of yours, and look forward to future installments, whenever and wherever they occur.

May the new year bring you pleasure and prosperity as you journey through the labyrinth of life's enchanting and challenging experiences.

Best regards,

Detroit, MI


Greetings An-Magrith!

I have received the Tarot of Pomegranate 5 of Cups card, thank you very much!  

You have very effectively captured the experiencing of loss, as something that must be experienced in order to absorb the lessons from the loss.   I like how the card is essentially dark, yet with the dawning of change on the upper horizon.

Above all, Thank you for sharing your vision through your works. It is one of my main goals in the coming year(s) to express and explore my visions through artwork and Tarot, and your work inspires me to do that.

Shine On!...

Gary Oppenhuis

Flossmoor, IL


Kjære An-Magrith,

Jeg har vært inne på dine websider - her var det mye interessant og vakkert. Jeg synes det er veldig spennende kort du lager, og jeg liker veldig godt at du også lager småkortene så detaljerte.

Jeg vil veldig gjerne lage et email intervju med deg til Tarotisten.

Vennlig hilsen,

Kristin Over-Rein

Oslo, Norway





About the "King of Wands", Nov. 2007

I saw this painting on display last night and it really spoke to me. I've never really researched tarot much, but there was definitely something that drew me to the painting.   I just had an understanding of its intent.

After having read up some more information on the card, I can definitely see the parallels to my own psyche.   I've never really expected any definition or box to accurately represent life, and I don't presume to have any more power then anyone else, but I cant help to but see the connections.

When I saw your paintings this weekend, and there was something about the King of Wands that I really connected with.   The chess pieces, the concentrated stare, the Hebrew writing, the smirk, the fire in the dark/cold.   He seemed to have true understanding, and pure excitement at the fact that he knew what the next move should be.   My friend tried to tell me he was evil, while I tried to explain to her that he was good.   If I was able to own this painting, I'm pretty sure it would be my prized possession for the rest of my life.   I've always wanted to own a piece of artwork that I have an understanding of, something that truly moves me, would be something to cherish.

-Brian F.

2007. Seattle, WA



I just want to let you know I've got the Tarot deck. It is exquisite! So
beautiful and powerful deck.

Good luck with the rest of the cards and best wishes for the future,


Ontario, Canada

* * *

The Empress has recently come up as the future card in a three cardreading I did. So I'm really raising my eyebrow that she's shown up againin regal form, reiterating her message for the new year. I like howmassive you've made her. I love the expressions on the faces of your
figures. You have a unique way of depicting their emotion, like the darklandscapes you favour. All is a little dark and edgy. I can relate tothat. Your deck really speaks to me. Great work. I love the peacock!
Reminds me of a phoenix. Viva la new year..Also, the little details of tower on the throne, stag in the forestbackground, and vines/veins on the peacock (?) are superb. There's a whole world of interpretations possible, and that's freakin' cool.

~ TarotBird

2011. United Kingdom, London


I was first introduced to An's paintings at Mr. Spots Chai House in Seattle, WA in 2002. I had never felt much for visual art in the past... not that I disliked it, but maybe I never quite related to it. I was immediately struck by the size and lifelike use of colors, and the actual intensity I had not before experienced by standing before a painting. To me her art felt the same that my music felt to me. Her lifelong project has been the painting of a Tarot deck, each painting averaging 5 feet tall, oil on canvas. The images are incredible.

-Mathew Phelan

Nashville, TN



These are amazing! Love your color sense of contrast bringing the images to really pop, and really brings out the alchemical symbology in your graphic storytelling. Vibrant and evocative deck!

Full-on dig the poignant expressiveness in the eyes of your cards. Evocative for sure! Powerfully evocative!

Feel you're going to have great success getting a publisher interested in your deck if you already haven't!

All the Best!

Denver, CO


Hello An!

As I was journeying through the cyberuniverse expanding spiritual consciousness and creating a blueprint for sacred living i was blessed to find myself at the dwelling place of personal perspective that is your online home. I found your site to be engaging and enriching for you are one whose fabric of life is such that it inspires and enchants. Thank you for sharing who you are for to do so is to embrace a higher vibration and the divinity in all things. You have much to be proud of and i celebrate your existence. Know that who you are is honoured and appreciated. I wish you a journey of peace to a garden of bliss where joy is a way of life. May you expand your own divinity as you awaken to spirit and may you explore the deeper meaning of life while manifesting higher consciousness and embracing positive change.

Yours in Expression of the Divine Self
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One
Poet , CyberShaman and Spiritual Consultant

Hamilton, ON

  Dear An-Magrith,

Today, your wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Tarot of the Pomegranate arrived - the artwork is incredible, and I'm glad that it's number 44, as 4 is my favorite number (which matches also perfectly with the extra

Thank you so much!

All the best from Zurich


Zurich, Switzerland

September 15, 2009
  OMFG my jaw is on the floor. You are an amazing artist..
Wow, I really love the flowing style, depth, deep colours, and mysteriousness emanating from this vibrant version you've painted of The Hermit. The cave in the background is a very interesting touch.
Very interesting with the blue flowing robes like water, also, and the use of the female in an archtypically male role.

I like it.

It reminds me of the poem by Adrienne Rich, Diving Into The Wreck:

"I came to explore the wreck.
The words are purposes.
The words are maps.

I came to see the damage that was done
and the treasures that prevail.
I stroke the beam of my lamp
slowly along the flank
of something more permanent
than fish or weed

the thing I came for:
the wreck and not the story of the wreck
the thing itself and not the myth
the drowned face always staring
toward the sun

the evidence of damage
worn by salt and sway into this threadbare beauty
the ribs of the disaster
curving their assertion
among the tentative haunters.

This is the place.
And I am here, the mermaid whose dark hair
streams black, the merman in his armored body
We circle silently
about the wreck
we dive into the hold.
I am she: I am he"

-Laura Jones

United Kingdom
September 2010
  In regards to The Magician card, as Tarot card of the month Dec. 2010:

Marvellous, as always.

This trump means a lot to me and so do your words.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful work with us.

I love the mood, colours, drooping sense of darkness and dreamy quality of your brush strokes... and the character that's kind of mischeivous and knowing. All very very beautiful and unique and enchanting!

Also love that the magician has a feminine look... almost like the high priestess paying homage to the moon and her animal nature with full consciousness and embodiment?

There's a lot here to ponder!

-TarotBird aka: LiveJournal Tarot community
December 2010.

* * *

Dear An-Magrith,

I received your tarot on the ultimate day of the year, and was very pleasantly surprised at the inclusion of the print of the
Wheel of Fortune. What a beautiful card, and terribly appropriate for this moment of the turning of the wheel of the calendar year. It is quite gratefully received :-)

Your tarot has a great profundity and an abiding passion to it - obviously the result of the unhurried nature of its creation, and the artistic talents of its creator. I am delighted to be one of the few who have decided to participate in this journey of yours, and look forward to future installments, whenever and wherever they occur.

May the new year bring you pleasure and prosperity as you journey through the labyrinth of life's enchanting and challenging experiences.

Best regards,

Detroit, MI
January 1st  2011
  Dear An-Magrith,

Please feel free to quote any of my comments that you feel are appropriate. A  work of such depth and beauty deserves all the praises that are showered upon it.

The Tarot of the Pomegranate uses the media of oil painting - at once both traditional and demanding - to illustrate the archetypal tarot forms with vivid and somber colors, surreal landscapes, emotive portraits, and symbols both classic and modern. A deck of deep passions and whispered secrets, a deck for dreamers, visionaries and magicians, it occupies a world both fantastic and approachable. The cohesion of the images belies the many years spent on their creation. These are not only beautiful works of art, they are practical cards that give profound readings. A rare deck that is both collectible and useful, it rewards repeated study.

Best Regards,
R. Leo Gillis
January 2nd 2011
  February 14, 2011

Dear An-Magrith,

Today, your Chariot card arrived - once again you have created a true masterpiece!
 Thank you very much!

All the best from Zurich

your fan

  My god, these are phenomenal! I want a film poster painted by you!!!!!
-Joriah Goad
Seattle based film maker and creator of
Manic Expressionism
  So I've only just noticed how <i>very<i> feminine the symbolism of the
pomegranate is. You've opened my eyes! *wide wide wide eyed* And I can't
wait for your deck to be published in full! Your imagination is as crazy
and vivid and unique as William Blake! Rock awn.
  4 December 2009
Today I received a tarot card in the post. It turned out to be the Hanged Man from the Tarot of the Pomegranates. This is one of the most unusual marketing strategies for a tarot deck I have yet encountered. The artist An-Magrith Erlandsen sends out each card as they are completed. She appears to have begun working on this deck about ten years ago. As she intends a full 78 card deck, I estimate it will cost her more to post me the individual cards, than I originally paid her. It cost her nearly a dollar to post me this card. Apart from the rather strange economics of her production, the card designs themselves are wonderfully original and beautifully painted. Her Hanged Man dangles in a womb-like form over a labyrinth set in a landscape of various religious architectural forms, a Greek temple, an Irish round tower, a ruined church, a spiral tower like the minaret of the Mosque at Samarra, and other such buildings. In the sea below are sunken cathedrals visited by dolphins and turtles. A quite astounding conception. I look forward to the next letter from An-Magrith.
- Adam McLean / alchemywebsite.com
  The Tarot of the Pomegranate uses the media of oil painting - at once both traditional and demanding - to illustrate the archetypal tarot forms with vivid and somber colors, surreal landscapes, emotive portraits, and symbols both classic and modern. A deck of deep passions and whispered secrets, a deck for dreamers, visionaries and magicians, it occupies a world both fantastic and approachable. The cohesion of the images belies the many years spent on their creation. These are not only beautiful works of art, they are practical cards that give profound readings. A rare deck that is both collectible and useful, it rewards repeated study.

~ R. Leo Gillis

I just wanted to send you accolades and my appreciation of your art to you.  You are an amazing artist and I just wanted to thank you for sharing your gifts and your intuitive knowledge with me. Tonight it took me away from my own problems to another world entirely. Do thank you. I had to write you this short note to thank you personally. Thank you.


P. N.

  These works were shown in studio during some of Seattle's First Thursday Art Walks, and I feel privileged to have seen some of them up close and personal.
I am not a professional art critic, just someone who knows what they like when they see it, and I feel pulled in by An-Magrith's paintings. They are richly layered and complex, the story of each expressed on canvas goes right into the mind.
I highly recommend seeing these works if at all possible.
 July 20, 2012
  These works were shown in studio during some of Seattle's First Thursday Art Walks, and I feel privileged to have seen some of them up close and personal.
I am not a professional art critic, just someone who knows what they like when they see it, and I feel pulled in by An-Magrith's paintings. They are richly layered and complex, the story of each expressed on canvas goes right into the mind.
I highly recommend seeing these works if at all possible.
 July 20, 2012
  Beautifully illustrated tarot book is informative and interesting. Although it is a companion guide to An-Magrith Erlandsen's epic Tarot of the Pomegranate painting series, the book stands up well on its own. As a professional tarot reader, I appreciate the depth of An-Magi's knowledge and the way she synthesizes the multi-faceted meanings of each card. The fact that the imagery she uses is from her own beautiful paintings adds to the layers of meaning. Her interpretations are simultaneously practical and cosmic; a truly usable and yet magical book of divination.

Her writing style is as creative as her paintings. In the chapter on 'The World' An-Magrith writes, "Beyond our physical makeup we are entities of the Source, each one of us a light in a large and intricate pattern. Imagine if one light were out, the whole pattern would be broken, and in that a reflection of the great worthiness of your soul. Our ascension process propels us to come into harmony with these great truths."

I love this book!

Xtina of Scarlet Foundry Tarot
  I've seen the author's paintings in person at several exhibits, and she's read my tarot cards for me several times. Her art work and her tarot interpretation are intuitive and cut to the deep meaning in a way that makes sense on a personal and a symbolic level. I highly recommend her work.

Maureen O'Donnell
 October 27, 2013

"Tonight your art took me away from my own problems
and to another world entirely." - N. Pine

"You were in your power lastnight and it was a magnificent sight to behold!"
~ A.B.Gulin

I heart you, u were amazing last night..one of thee best in Seattle...i love your viking blood and blonde locks..xoxo
~ K.Teflon
December 19, 2013
  I have simply never experienced another Tarot that is so capable of transcending ones spirit so easily to another plane. Whether you are buying the cards and the book for self introspection and discovery or using them to do Tarot readings these cards have the uncanny ability to provide you with the guidance you seek. Even if you are not interested in Tarot in the least, I would still suggest that one should buy the book and the deck just to experience the intricately detailed amazingly rich textured artwork alone. The artist is masterful in her abilities to create an alternate world in which you can easily lose yourself in meditation. You must see to believe!!
Thank you.
Nicole R Pine
December 9, 2013
Freeman, SD
  We have had the paintings from this book on display at Culture Shakti Dance Studio. They are stunning to say the least.
I have also received tarot card readings from Magi and she is very precise.
I highly recommend this book as it is a must have for any tarot enthusiast.

Katrina Ji
Nov. 10, 2013
Seattle, WA

The video that you made for us is amazing. You made me cry watching it.


Roxy Simpson
January 12, 2014
Magi wants to take you on an artistic journey of the spirit and opening of the inner eye, to a new spiritual platform that will leave you breathless with the beauty and magic that straddles the line of fear and pleasure. Join us Jan 12th at... the Can Can Cabaret to bear witness to this mystical dance guaranteed to rip your heart out. Grab your VIP seats while you can to be right in the eye of the storm.

Morgue Anne
Jan 8th 2014
Seattle, WA

Video Installation by the inimitable and magical An-Magrith 'Magi' Erlandsen
Magi never ceases to amaze with her dance, her art and her mad skills in film making. She created a one-of-a-kind video for Rebel Belly's Wonderland and is back to help make Time Warp even more dynamic with another stellar film.



RebelBelly Productions

Jan 10, 2014

Seattle, WA

  Shout out to An-Magrith 'Magi' Erlandsen for her awesome work on the videos for Time Warp 1 show last night. She did an AMAXING job for the show and I LOVED what all the work that she did to our performance background video -- The Trung Sisters. So much truth in it with ton of research and creativity, she captured all if not more than I've given her about our history and story lines. She brought
tears to my eyes watching it the very first time -- so powerful!
-Roxy Stimpson, 1-2014
  I have a collection of inspiring things in front of my monitor in my editing cave. When you gave me your tarot deck at Tribal Fest last year, I pulled a card from it when I got home, the Queen of Disks.... & I stare at this card every day when I edit. I just love it so much, the imagery there. Fast forward to 2 days ago. I'm cleaning up the dressing room here in Seattle and in the window there is the Queen of Disks card you left... OF ALL THE CARDS, you put that one in the window...??
Love you... Pixie Spindel, 3-30-2014.
Hey, An-Magrith!
I bought your book from Amazon and I really appreciate the effort you are putting in to your deck. It truly beautiful and moving. Especially the Moon card. Moon is my craft name and your card of the Moon really captures me and how I feel and think. I used to be heavily into Christianity but now I am not. I see myself as the woman in the card, away from the church buildings, in the dark, but loving the dark, embracing the dark in myself and being very content there. I realize this is not what the Moon means in tarot, but I was struck by that particular card and how its image kind of reflects my inner being. 
Just thought you might like some feedback on your deck and artwork. I absolutely adore the striking, deep colors you use in the deck. I am planning to read your book this weekend. I am just very happy I stumbled across your deck. What attracted me was the Pomegranate. I have a pomegranate on my altar when I can. I love the pomegranate.

Keep up the excellent work!
C. Maas
July 2016
  Friday Nov 26th 2016

Dear An-Magrith,

Thank you so much for your new tarot card for the Tarot of the Pomegranate. It was a beautiful card.
I like how you made the Page of Cups to look a little feminine. Who says the Page has to be a male!
Since Cups represent water/emotions, I really can fell the deep emotion in the Page's face.
An absolutely inspired bit of artwork, An-Magrith!
I am honored to be a part of this journey of yours to create the Tarot of the Pomegranate.
It has a deep meaning for me and I wish you many more flashes of inspiration and illumination!
Blessings to you, An-Magrith!

: )
C. Maas

P.S. I look forward to your next card!
(this was a handwritten letter)





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